Steamboat Springs Endodontist with GentleWave
Steamboat Springs Endodontist with GentleWave console

What is GentleWave?

-GentleWave is novel fluid-irrigation protocol for the use of Endodontic cleaning and disinfection

-The GentleWave procedure cycles 350mL of sonically activated disinfectant throughout the entire canal system.

-GentleWave utilizes broad spectrum soundwaves and advanced fluid dynamics to facilitate complete disinfection .

What are the benefits of GentleWave?

-Increases likelihood of significantly less post-operative pain

-Increases likelihood of single visit treatments

-Achieves a cleaner canal system with less instrumentation and dentin removal

-Treats complex teeth that cannot be cleaned by conventional methods

-Reported increased success rate compared to conventional root canal therapy

Steamboat Springs Endodontist with GentleWave console
Steamboat Springs Endodontist with GentleWave biofilm
Steamboat Springs Endodontist with GentleWave cleaning